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  • Articulation problems - having trouble moving your mouth to make sounds correctly.

  • Dysarthria/slurred speech - not moving your mouth enough to make sounds clearly.

  • Accent reduction - learning how to move your mouth differently to make certain sounds more like English language sounds.

  • Aphasia - not being able to speak many words, trouble understanding words, or saying the wrong words.

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  • Anomia/word-finding problems - trouble thinking of the right word more than normal.

  • Short-term memory loss - forgetting what you heard, read or did just a little while ago more than normal.  

  • Difficulty with organization and solving problems - increased trouble completing tasks.

  • Even if you are more forgetful, you do NOT necessarily have dementia. However, you can learn ways to keep your brain active and learn ways to help your memory. 



  • Dysphonia - voice sounds different (rough, scratchy, strained, hoarse, nasal, too high or low) because of the way you are producing your voice and/or physical conditions that are affecting your voice.

  • Vocal fatigue - losing your voice often or quickly.

  • Hurts to speak - If this happens outside of a cold/flu virus, it should be evaluated. 



  • Transitioning involves more than you outward appearance. Your voice is an important part of who you are. Just speaking in a higher or lower voice is not necessarily enough to alter how people perceive your gender.   

  • If you are having trouble with your voice not reflecting how you want to be perceived, speech therapy can teach you how to safely adjust pitch and learn other important aspects of speech to sound more feminine or masculine. 


  • Dysphagia - the medical term for difficulty swallowing.

  • Trouble chewing or moving food in your mouth.

  • Sense of a lump in your throat often.

  • Food or pills feel like they get stuck.

  • Liquids go down the wrong pipe.

  • Coughing or throat clearing during meals.

  • Liquids coming out your nose when swallowing, or after.  

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  • Reflux does not always cause heartburn. There is a different kind of reflux that can lead to a number of issues including:

  • Changes in voice quality

  • Frequent throat clearing or coughing

  • Breathing difficulties, may resemble exercise-induced asthma

  • Globus pallidus - a lump in the throat or difficulty swallowing. 

  • Stomach swelling up after eating

  • Water brash - regurgitation of thick saliva during meals or often in the morning. 

  • Traditional medicines such as Prilosec or Zantac are rarely effective in treating this reflux. I will teach you about other treatments that can help your specific issues. 

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